Fire Kayangan Tour
Andi K.
A tourist attraction in Bojonegoro, Tirtawana Dander, in the area located 12 kilometers from the city of Bojonegoro the green grass looks humble. Teak forests whose leaves began to widen because of the rain shower fortify the area. Teak is one of the leading commodity Bojonegoro. There are statues of animals and children's games. Still in the same area there are tourist lodge with 12 rooms and a guesthouse. A door decorated with wayang motif on it. Expanse of water in it there is a swimming pool.
Once inside the gate, looking up a row of poles. In the midst of these poles there is a stone circle, in which there is a natural fire that burns from the earth.
According to public information about places of tourism heaven of fire, a flame of fire used by the professor Kayangan Kriya Kusuma (a pseudonym of the professor Supagati) for the manufacture of inheritance in order to restore the Majapahit keris from the hands of rebels. Apparently, the light of the fire was not very visible in daylight. Therefore recommended to the location at night at seven and upwards.
In the area of fire heaven there is a pool, which has spread sulfur aroma was so close to the source of warm water. Surrounding communities named Blekuthuk. Uniquely, the water will not feel hot to the touch. It is believed that water had healing properties of various diseases.
Kusuma Kriya masters indeed have strong links with the region. Not far from Kayangan Fire, for example, there is a large banyan tree lined timber. Directly beneath the mound is composed of brick-sized 20 cm x 30 cm. There is a trust under that tree where the professor Kriya tirakat Kusuma, making his kris. One of the most famous kris Tall Kitchen Luk Barbadensis Blong Pok Gonjo who is now a heritage district.
These bricks there are similarities with a type of stone relics that widely spread Majapahit kingdom in Trowulan site. Seen from the size of bricks and mark or scratches boto kluwung three fingers that form a rainbow.
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